Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pulling your finger away after touching a sharp pin is controlled by functioning of what part of the centr?

This is a reflex action controlled by the spinal cord.

Reflex actions are rapid, automatic and below the level of consiousnessie we are usually only aware that they have occured after the event. They are rapid to remove a limb/ part of the body from potential harm.

Hope this helps!Pulling your finger away after touching a sharp pin is controlled by functioning of what part of the centr?
it is a reflex action which is controlled by spinal cord..........

our body's all reflexes are controlled by spinal cord.Pulling your finger away after touching a sharp pin is controlled by functioning of what part of the centr?
it's the reflex action which goes

stimulus (pin)

sensory neurone

relay neurone

motor neurone

it doesnt reach the brain as it is processed in the medulla oblongata (starting point of the spinal cord)
The spine.

The reaction comes before your brain is even aware of it.

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