Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whats the relationship between the manager's planning and controlling functions?

need information on what manager planing is and controlling functions isWhats the relationship between the manager's planning and controlling functions?
A manager's functions are generally broken down into four subsections; leading, planning, organizing, and controlling.

The planning function is being able to see the big picture and develop a course of action.

The controlling function is being able to execute the plan and make necessary adjustments along the way.

Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ManagerWhats the relationship between the manager's planning and controlling functions?
The manager sets the targets of the process through planning and uses control on the underlings to attain the target.

In fact your earlier question is relevent to this since in a flow chart the hierarchical existence of employees is depicted. It shows how the 'command and control' works. Command and control works from top to bottom and 'compliance' from bottom to top.

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