Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why do fish lose control of their motor function before dying?

We have 4 gold-fish, don't ask what specific breed, I can't remember the name at all but if it helps: they're mostly white then they have orange tops. Also they grow to be up 2 inches long. Anyways, one of the fish seems to be dying; he is twisting, turning, and flipping uncontrollably. This seems to have happened with all of the fish I've seen before they die. Is this normal? If it is, why do they lose control? Is there any way to save him when he is in this stage or is it best to get him out of the tank (before death) so that the other fish are left unaffected?

I barely know anything about marine biology so any help is useful, really. Thanks in advance!Why do fish lose control of their motor function before dying?
Simply because their brain is failing. if they are having trouble circulating blood, adding nutrients and oxygen to the blood, the brain will be one of the first things to begin failing. Then the heart, then the muscles. At that point there is generally nothing you can do.

if you seem to have a lot of goldfish dying, i challenge you to read up on the nitrate cycle, and to figure out why. Properly cared for lion head goldfish can live for about 10 + years.

sorry to hear about your lossWhy do fish lose control of their motor function before dying?
Fish live in water-how can flushing be a humane disposal-HELLO!!!

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You have absolutely no idea what you are doing, please look at the following link %26amp; help your surviving fish:鈥?/a>

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Your fish should live at least 10-15 years %26amp; grow enormous so no what you're seeing is not normal but very common due to ignorance.

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Aw... I love answers from ignorant bastards, after the fact. No thanks.

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if you take the fish out the fish will died because water is air form the water is give air to the fish

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