Saturday, August 7, 2010

POLL: Name one additional function you would like added to your remote control?

a button that zaps commercialsPOLL: Name one additional function you would like added to your remote control?

Our VCR remote control dont have that button like our previous onePOLL: Name one additional function you would like added to your remote control?
Mute my husband. He always talks to me while I am trying to listen to the questions on Jeopardy
Some type of beeper to be able to find the remote when my kids lose it! Like clap your hands and it beeps!
a volume control for the dog to quit barking
my cable remote doesn't do volume, I have to use my TV remote for that and it's a pain
mute other people when im trying to watch my show...

One that will mute my husband during certain shows I like to watch. Why can he never talk during the commercials???
An ad-block function. During commercials, the TV screen would be blank until the show comes back on
I hate the adds so I wish I could just fast forward through them.
Bring me a beer.
a popcorn button
U have cool questions hehe u made me laugh on this one

..ill add a button to close the lights coz that's a distance..
turn lights on and off!
If I'm watching a sitcom to only see the show without the commercials.
wash dishes
I wish I could mute people not just the tv, oh and I wish it would turn the lights on and off!
Remotes pretty much have everything they need. It's the TV that needs an internal adjustable audio limiter. Kind of like a compressor.
Hologram so the picture comes out of the telly into a life size hologram and it'd be like being there in the scene.
a button to turn off the lights
The telephone number for your favourite food, home delivery service
...a';Delete';button...for those who like to interrupt me when I am watching one of my favorite shows....
A mute button that would work on the other people in the room!!
Coffee maker
SHUT UP%26lt; for when someone is talking to me!!
a laser
The one that will mute my wife until the next commercial break.
the 'receive one billion dollars' button would be nice

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